Wallet refers to an electronic service that allows an individual to make electronic transactions, which is created with PayQuik in respect to the Customer Mobile and Name. Additional details include the KYC of the customer which is mandatorily updated for every wallet. Every transaction conducted by the customer is routed through his/her respective wallet and the history of any transaction can be checked from the wallet.

You can register for the wallet by providing a Mobile number, Name, KYC details on the PayQuik portal.

Wallet is the sole proprietary of the customer. To keep the wallet secure, the customer must adhere to the following points:
  1. Do not share OTP with anyone except authorized merchants
  2. Do not share OTP over the phone call
  3. If you receive an OTP for a transaction that was not initiated by you, then immediately report to the customer care at report@payquik.in
  4. Verify the beneficiary details before sending money
  5. Keep your personal information and passwords confidential

Yes, you can setup your own domain name for free!